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Genius Hour Projects

Students will be given time most weeks to explore and present learning in an area that they are interested and passionate about. I look forward to seeing what wonderful knowledge each student has and will develop this year.

Aman from 6K sent in this Metacognition Poster and I thought it would be nice to have on our website. Maybe I'll print it once it is fully edited.

Katherine found this quote and thought it was interesting so we (she mostly) decided it should go on the website. I think she is right :-)

Nimrit R. From 6A found this and thought it was worth sharing - she was right. I think it is worth sharing on our website.

Gagan found this great poster and wanted to share it. She found it at this link (click here)

ICT-DD Homework

Information - Communication - Technology & Digital Design

All homework and due dates are listed in Google Classroom. Parents are encouraged to request a parent account to view their child's assignments.

Anchor 1

Chromebooks at ATMS - in my class - NO GAMES; No image searches unless directly related to the subject being studied; No music or music downloads (except Baroque during math - downloaded at home); No YouTube unless with prior approval from me and only connected to topic of study (exception will be Khan Academy for Math). Breaking these expectations will result in loss of privileges for yourself and, possibly, the class.

Chromebooks should come to school charged.

Chromebooks should be locked in your lockers during locker break and lunch time.

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